Once you receive your order, you have 60 days to return it . All you have to do is reach out to us.
Just a few important things to be aware of:
- If you receive a wrong or defective item, are missing accessories, or if you change your mind about the item, you can ship it back for free
- If you believe your item was damaged during transit, please let us know within 3 business days of receiving it.
What about returns after the first 60 days?
Sometimes issues only appear after several weeks of use, which is why we provide a 60 Day Refund guarantee.
The policy starts on the date of purchase and covers hardware defects.
The policy doesn’t apply to wear and tear from normal use (including a decrease in battery capacity), significant impact damage, or oxidation (liquid damage). The warranty will also no longer be valid if your item is repaired or tinkered with by anyone other than the seller.
Other things to keep in mind when returning your order
Don’t forget to remove all personal data and do a factory reset of the item before returning it. And of course, remove your SIM card and make sure you include all the accessories that came with the item (e.g. the charger, cords, etc.) before securely packaging everything to send back.
item (e.g. the charger, cords, etc.) before securely packaging everything to send back.